Howard Davenport is our new District 7 APA Director.
The results of the election are in and Howard won by an overwhelming majority. Here are the results of the election:
APA District 7 Vote Results-
Total Membership 650
Votes Cast – 328
Percentage of membership voting- 51%
Howard Davenport – 245 (75%)
Aaron Baker (Incumbent) – 82 (25%)
3 to 1 vote difference. The members have spoken!
The New State Representatives for our District are-
TEXAS- tbd
lOUISIANNA- Verna Brashear
ARKANSAS- Angie Sheppard
Howard will be posting a Thank You announcement soon.
My fellow APA Members,
My name is Howard Davenport, and I am writing to you to ask for your support and vote in the 2024 APA election as I am seeking the position of Director of District 7. I am an ETL Life Member, member of the APA Membership Committee, Past State Representative of Texas, recipient of the Honorary FFA Lone Star Degree, recipient of the Cecil Moore Memorial Award, inductee into the MEGASHOW Hall of Fame, and Past YEPA Youth Leader for Texas. At last count, I have personally recruited 276 new members into the Association.
Ronald Reagan was quoted as saying, “The status quo, you know, is Latin for ‘The mess we’re in’.. This has never been more evident in the recent history of the APA than the release of the 150th Anniversary Edition of our Standard of Perfection which is riddled with inaccurate, missing and misleading information. This embarrassment to the dues-paying membership is not the fault of a single individual or group of individuals; it is the result of a complete systems failure that resulted from the lack of safeguards and a check and balance system not being in place, oversight from our elected officials, and the inability of our Board of Directors to work together for the overall good of the Association due to egos and the “look at me” attitude getting in the way of progress.

One of the most critical issues that needs to be addressed is the profound lack of communication and transparency with the membership. It saddens me that information is posted by individuals on social media days and even weeks before we hear it from our elected officials. The recent removal of the Standards Committee is a prime example. Within just a few hours of this decision, it was being broadcast on social media by individuals that were not even in the decision making process. It took the APA officials a week before officially releasing the information. Why did this happen? What was so secret about this? Why wait until you HAVE to respond due to the hate and venom being spewed on social media? This can’t continue. We must ensure our members are kept informed.
As for my Texas members and exhibitors, there has been far to much procrastination over the years on “What we need to do is this,” and “we need to organize a committee and do this,” to resolve our TAHC issues, and nothing gets done. Why do we need to form a local committee when we have the full weight of the APA at our disposal to help resolve this issue? These issues cannot be resolved with threats. They must be resolved through educating the powers-at-be as to what we’re about by inviting them to our shows and having non-threatening dialogue. I truly believe we can accomplish this with “baby steps” to open our State back up to outside exhibitors without increasing our financial burden. If elected, it is my intention to immediately begin working with the APA Legislative Committee and setting up meetings, some in person and some via Zoom, with the Poultry Commissioner, State Veterinarian, and other TAHC Officials to plead our case.
There is so much left to do, including more incentives for our Juniors, more visibility opportunities for our State Representatives, more focus on education for the Backyard flock owner to bring them into the heart of the APA mission, and the list goes on. What we can conceive, we can achieve.
I would be thrilled to talk with you to give you my thoughts on items I haven’t discussed, but more importantly, I would like to hear YOUR thoughts. You, the member, are the heartbeat and life’s blood of this Association. Know that I will work for you and not the “status quo.”
You may reach out to me by email at, or by phone at 832-585-4744.
Thank you for your time, and I would appreciate your vote. Howard
Endorsement for Howard Davenport District 7 APA Board of Directors by Beverly Robertson and Sandy Siegfried
Proud APA Members and APA Master Exhibitors
Howard Davenport is one of the most humble, selfless, and sweetest guys we have met in our many years of attending poultry shows.
He encourages people to attend shows, to learn more about their breeds, and to get involved in the poultry world by joining the APA.
He became a PT tester and has travelled across Texas to help people get their birds tested so they are able to show their poultry and eggs. He also helps with their concerns about flock health and helps them seek the best treatments and testing facilities.

Howard has a great sense of humor and is quick to congratulate both adults and juniors on their accomplishments. He jokes around with his competitors and is quick to admire their birds and give his opinions when asked.
We need more people like Howard in the APA leadership.
Howard is a great mentor in the poultry world and has our admiration, friendship, and our votes for APA District Director in District 7. He will lead our district with honesty and integrity and will listen to the concerns of his peers.
Please cast your vote for Howard Davenport.
Beverly Robertson and Sandy Siegfried
Proud members and APA Master Exhibitors
Endorsement of Howard Davenport for District 7 APA Board of Directors by Marilyn Novat , APA-ABA Judge, NM.
Voting members in APA District 7, please consider Howard Davenport for your Director.

Marilyn Novat
Larry Dye, OK.
Larry Dye, OK – APA Master Exhibitor, APA Master Breeder (6), APA National Hall of Fame, 40 years experience raising, showing and breeding exhibition poultry and waterfowl.
If you want an APA district director for district 7 that will work for the whole district Howard Davenport is your man.
No one works harder at promoting poultry than he does. Howard has given countless hours and monitory assistance to youth and adults in the show poultry world. He is man of his word and will do everything in his power to promote poultry in district 7. Don’t miss a chance to bring District 7 a chance to be a great district in the APA.
I totally support Howard Davenport for District 7 Director
Bill Hopkins – Texas, APA & ABA Judge
Endorsement By Texas Resident and APA and ABA Judge Bill Hopkins
“Greetings to all my fellow APA District 7 members. My name is Bill Hopkins. I am a life member of the APA, an APA grandmaster exhibitor, an APA licensed judge, and proud resident of District 7 in the APA. I am excited to encourage each and everyone of you to vote for Howard Davenport for the directorship of District 7. I have a history with the APA that reaches back to the early 1970’s. I have seen quite a few people, some of whom were my friends, attempt to be true member oriented district directors. Most missed the mark. They become organization focused rather than member focused. I have known Howard and observed him long enough to know for a fact that Howard will hit the ground running with the goal of making District 7 the most member focused district in the APA. We deserve to have someone like him as our director.

We need a man like Howard Davenport serving as our District 7 director. Voting and supporting Howard Davenport isn’t just about rewarding him for his selfless service to the fancy. It’s also a reward for each and everyone of us. The APA should be a member driven organization. We pay our dues and we deserve to have our needs and concerns given serious attention. Howard will do that.”
John McDaniel, Oklahoma. Lifetime poultry breeder and exhibitor…
I take great pride in writing this endorsement of Howard Davenport of Texas for the APA Board of Directors, District 7.
The main reasons for my decision to support Howard is relatively simple and comes down to just a few important issues.
1) Integrity – I have found Howard to process a great deal of integrity in his dealings with myself and others. We all know that the APA could use a good dose of integrity right about now. Especially within District 7. Howard is my man hands down on this issue. As the old saying goes, “Birds of a Feather, Flock Together” and you can tell the quality of a man by the friends he surrounds himself with in his life. Exhibition poultry shows should be more about promotion of all shows within the district, cooperation and positive interaction between our members and less about keeping hostilities stirred up and bitterness fueled while self promoting his own show(s) and his own personal agenda.
2) Honesty – Howard is honest in his dealings. He is also up front and honest when dealing with everyone. Howard is glad to discuss issue with our members whether they agree or disagree with his line of thinking. In other words, he allows others to have a voice which he will listen to and respond. We can trust Howard to not vote to undermine other exhibitors, breeders, shows, and the exhibition experience in District 7. Not even close on my decision pertaining to this issue. He believes in the old adage, “The Buck Stops Here” when dealing with issues and his voting record.
3) Work Ethic – I have witnessed Howard go out and sale hundreds of APA memberships in this district while others try to take the credit for the fruits of his labor. Instead of buying membership cards for others including employees, family, etc Howard has signed up 100’s of new members in an effort to make exhibition poultry grow, and Howard has covered the State of Texas getting people information and sharing knowledge to gain quality exhibition people involved at his own expense and sweat.
4) Support of all exhibitors, youth to adult.- Howard has donated thousands of dollars of his own money to sponsor shows across District 7. He has contributed cash, donated Awards for the youth and adults, conducted numerous seminars at no cost, performed heath services for members and been a friend you could trust and actually relate
5) Eagerness to help work and sponsor shows with no hidden agenda.- Again, ethics. It is highly unethical for a board member to vote on any issue if he/she has a conflict of interest or has a history of cronyism with anyone involve with that vote. Howard will end this practice as far as District 7 is concerned, Howard has pledged to end the bitterness and hostility that now exists in District 7 and which has been present for several years.

and finally
7) Howard believes in seeing the vote outcome on most issues and the ability for the membership to see how their representative votes on all issues, and the membership should be allowed to ask questions without fear of being black balled, black listed and banned/blocked. Instead of your rep being allowed to hide from his voting record, and avoid defending his actions why not have openness for a change and accountability for actions. Your rep needs to provide answers to the membership in a timely fashion.
I highly suggest and encourage the APA Membership in District 7 to support Howard Davenport in District 7 if they truly seek the things I have listed above.
John McDaniel
Teddy Boles, OK – Newer Exhibitor
Howard Davenport,
He’s Got My Vote!!!
No one’s too small for him to lend a helping hand to.

Thank you Howard Davenport, you are definitely someone I call a friend.