
CVJPC Show Chick – Information – Please Read


2025 Show Chick Give Away- This years event has been canceled for several reasons. One, the threat of AI and the increased amount of reports lately. Two, many of our suppliers have not been getting good hatches so the numbers are really down. Three, because of the price of eggs and chicks, there ar a lot of reports that some people are wanting our chicks simply to resale of profit from them with no intention of showing them this Fall, in other words, scammers.
What we are doing is realigning our Show Chick program and restructuring the process. This will include evaluating each and every applicant to make sure they 1) show in our shows, 2) have a track record of showing our birds, and 3) kids how have shown in our shows and demonstrate that they truly show these birds and are actual doing the work themselves and learning about birds and who are active and at the shows.
Instead, what I am doing is making a list of true applicants, who are in need of better quality birds for their projects and obtaining quality show chicks for our new kids and established exhibitors.
The June Prospect show will still occur in June along with a Double Card Show for Open and Juniors COMBINED. This show will be a 2 card show, double sanctioned with the APA and the ABA. But it will be Open and Junior Combined in both shows. This show is typically a smaller show and will give us a chance to get our feet wet doing a double card show, experience in other words. More on all this very soon along with the Show Catalog and entry form.

This is an event to sponsor and promote all MEGA SHOWS only. If you have received chicks in the past and never shown them in our shows  please do not apply as you will be denied.

This event is limited to only Juniors 5 years old thru 17 years old living in the following counties in Oklahoma or who have received a special invitation from  our club or donor breeders. All Participants MUST be paid members of the CVJPC, $20 per year 1-1-24 thru 12-31.24

Oklahoma Qualified Counties upon approval- Garvin, McClain, Grady, Cleveland, Oklahoma and Canadian Counties plus *special invitations only. Please do NOT submit applications if you do not qualify. We want our high quality chicks judged in counties where their fairs are judged by high quality, knowledgeable judges who can evaluate the chicks when judged. Anyone may ask to be considered IF they have a record of showing in our MEGA SHOWS.

This event is not an automatic invitation to children and families for free show chicks. This event should be considered a privilege and NOT a right.

Chicks will be assigned to individuals on merit, past performance and participation in the MEGA SHOW program which includes all past Jr Prospect Shows in June, MEGA SHOW events during the year, including the MEGA SHOW in Nov, the Mini Mega in Kansas in Nov, the Junior Nationals in Dec. and our seminars throughout the year.  All JR Members MUST be paid members of the CVJPC and membership is $20.00 per year, per youth. Being a member of the CVJPC does NOT guarantee anyone that they will receive any show chicks at the time of the Club assignments, Some breeds of chicks will arrive later and will be assigned accordingly.

Rules To Go By – Guidelines – We Follow And Obey These Rules Very Seriously

  1. Our show chick Awards Program is designed to promote certain breeds, breeders, bloodlines and extremely high quality exhibition fowl in our area, the Mega Show Program, etc. If you do not understand, agree to or plan to abide by our rules of this program Do Not Apply. Past Performance is scrutinized very closely.
  2. Plan to attend our meetings and especially our prospect show in June. We expect our show chicks to be at this show, a major part of this program. The prospect show is deliberately planned for this time because it is at this time in our chick program that your chicks should be going from a cute little chick to their ugly duckling stage in their early life cycle. This is planned so our young exhibitors can see and realize this is the natural growth pattern of their chicks, regardless of the breed, breeder or how well you take care of your birds. At the Prospect Show we will teach you how to feed, cull and bring them through the summer and into full bloom for the Fall shows.
  3. If you are new to this program or if you have been in it before and have lost chicks to predators or inclement weather, bring pictures of your current set up to show us that you can insure your new chicks will be cared for properly. Most of these chicks WILL need heated and dry homes.
  4.  Be aware that we expect you to feed the chicks you receive the prescribed Feed and not junk feed like Scratch, laying hen rations, adult bird feed, and absolutely NO FREE Ranging, etc. Your birds will NOT develop properly unless they are fed properly. Their progress will be on display at the Prospect Show. This will determine if you ever receive show chicks again from us.
  5. If you receive several chicks at the Awards program, many times you will have too many males or too many females, do not panic. Feed them as usual and care for them, bring them to the prospect show and we will swap out with others who received the same breeds. This program works when we all working together as a team.
  6. If you receive chicks, DO NOT EVER SELL THESE CHICKS before checking with us first. If you find you don’t want them any longer it is YOUR obligation to give the chicks back so they can be given to someone else and NOT sold. They were not SOLD to you so we expect you to give them to someone else, with this clubs approval before hand. ANY violation of this rule will result in you and your family/club being banned from this program in the future. Make sure that when you apply for and/or receive chicks, you really want them and understand the terms of this agreement.
  7. The Juniors who have been through this program in the past knows how it works and they know that if they follow these guidelines their birds will be winners in the Fall Shows. These chicks are being hatched so they will peak in all the MEGA SHOWS this Fall. They should reach maximum peak by the MEGA SHOW in November and the State Show in March, 2025.
  8. This program is not involved with, sponsored by or controlled in any way by any FFA or 4-H rules or guidelines although we do support members of both organizations. If you show in shows conducted under any other organization be sure and make sure you are abiding to their rules in their shows.
  9. Follow these simple rules and guidelines and you will be successful and have a successful poultry program.

If anyone has ever received chicks in the past and never attended any events, participated in any MEGA Events,  after receiving chicks, please DO NOT apply for future chicks. This program is NOT a free chick giveaway for the public! This entire program is designed to bolster, promote and encourage excellent show quality poultry in this area and in particular the MEGA SHOW and our chick donors. Our objective is to promote our high quality breeders and our kids who are dedicated to the chicks they receive.

CVJPC-Junior-Show-Chick-Application    This is the Entry Form For 2024.